Your Career
Welcome to our blog! Here we will post information, interviews, news about our work. We will use it to share what we are learning and doing at CareerFocus.Coach to support your efforts of making the most of work. One of the most important roles we play at CareerFocus.Coach is to create a place for people to reflect and take action about work and their lives. We hope that our posts may spark ideas, motivation and action for you.
Working is more than money and time spent, it is what we do with our lives. It is a source of dignity and satisfaction and provides us a vehicle to contribute to our community. As children we talk about what we wish to be and do one day: a firefighter, an astronaut, a stay-at-home parent, a business person, a chef, a dancer, a librarian.
Working is more than a contract of money for time and talent, it is what we do with our lives.
To kick-off the blog, we will offer readers a glimpse of what we find wonderful about our work by sharing stories of people in cool jobs or who do cool work. These interviews will be of people at all stages of career. In the interviews, they share decisions and lessons they have learned. They are in professions as varied as architecture, art, baking, banking, business, education, fashion, healthcare, journalism, legal, philanthropy, sales, science.
In reading their stories, you will find people from around the world who work in laboratories, offices, art studios, kitchens, factories and remotely from coffee shops and the beach. We hope that you enjoy the differing career paths, motivations, advice, perspectives and decisions. Perhaps you will be inspired by their wisdom, industry, enthusiasm. Maybe you will be moved to something great, restorative or long overdue for yourself, dear reader. You certainly deserve it.
Thanks to everyone who generously share their stories here and to all who complete the circle by reading them.