

What is the story of your success?

Sales, Community and Coaching


Ree Hamlin is a marketing and sales professional with deep experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Twenty years ago she began working in business development  in Cardinal Health, along the way completing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business at Concordia University and leading a regional sales team. Her work ethic and drive to do her best made her a significant role model for many colleagues, members of the community and aspiring pharmacists. 

Relationships are the key component to Ree’s work. As a manager, she followed the book in managing her team. A straight talker, Ree sets expectations, provides feedback and encouragement, manages performance and pushes her team to exceed their goals all with her good-natured demeanor. She stresses the importance of creating opportunities for her team to develop their skills and abilities.

During her tenure at Cardinal Health, Ree promoted business development with the independent pharmacy, and helping them develop their talent pipeline with pharma students. Ree also contributed to communities in need, supporting her clients and their customers during natural disasters and times of challenge. 

Ree currently works as a marketing and sales consultant to a variety of clients in the pharmaceutical industry. To further her dedication to developing and supporting others, she is poised to begin a business where coaching will be her central role. Read more about her experiences in her answers to the following questions.

What is your contribution to the world? That is a very interesting question – I am an example for my family, friends and business associates. Failure is always a possibility and lessons are learned from every action/or non action that you take in your life. The ability to continue to find ways to help other people accomplish their dreams by being an example of what to do or not to do is my contribution. 

The most recent chapter of your career, at Cardinal Health, was quite lengthy; what did you most like about the work you did? My team did things that impacted not just our direct team but people throughout the company. We were an example of thinking out of the box to accomplish goals. We engaged our internal partners by finding common goals and opportunities. Members of our team participated in building relationships with our Customer Service Teams, honored and supported our veterans, we were mentors and mentees. We championed diversity programs and career development programs. Externally we worked with Pharmacy Schools creating a scholarship program and worked closely with the Pharmacy Associations in our 12 states.  Our customers were part of our team/family. I loved being in the field with my team and in front of customers. My team found ways to improve their education by getting their degrees – MBA’s, undergraduate degrees and, believe it or not, GED’s. In my time as a Director of Sales for Cardinal Health we grew our business - existing business, increased total sales, maintained profitability and found ways to develop team members to give them the opportunity to grow in their careers. Currently my marketing consulting has given me the opportunity to continue to work with and help Community Pharmacies. I love every aspect of being part of a team.

What competencies, characteristics and choices have been key to your success? The ability to see people’s strengths and weaknesses. The opportunity to coach/mentor people be their best in their roles and lives. Giving feedback is not easy but I honestly always thought that I was letting people down if I didn’t share my thoughts on their performance good and/or bad. Once you give feedback the person is responsible for what they do with it. I have always been willing to go the extra mile with any person who may not currently have the skills that they need to be the best in their position. 

Over the course of your career, have you gotten advice that you continue to follow? I was lucky to have many great mentors. Most important advice is to do what you think is right. The chances of getting ahead may be less and that is sad but one thing I know and never forget – What I think of myself is one of the most important things I can do for myself and other people. No regrets….

What do you most appreciate about the people with whom you have worked? Their passion to help other people succeed.

How do you define success? Has the definition changed over the course of your career?  Success is being able to look back on your career and know that you stayed true to the lessons that your parents taught you. Being able to sleep at night knowing that you did your best to do the right thing for other people. I do think that the middle of my career I strayed from this. Not proud of it but there was a period where the pressure to get ahead led me away from my roots. I can proudly say that that was another lesson learned. Getting the next role is not the most important goal in life. Finding ways to help other people will always get you what you want out of life.

What advice would you give your 25 year old self? You have an amazing opportunity in front of you. You will accomplish many firsts as a woman in business. Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t discount the person you are and will become. Finish your degree – don’t wait until you are in your 50’s. 

What do you want to learn now? Everything! How to be gracious and give back to as many people as I can.

What are you planning for the next phase of your career? I want to launch my coaching business. The word journey keeps popping up in my mind. What a journey I have had so far! I am creating a wellness coaching business. I have been inspired to become a coach as I was the beneficiary of coaching which had a great impact on my professional growth and development. Coaching helped me to see opportunities, overcome obstacles to action, reflect, learn about myself and achieve my goals. My coaching business brings together the most important parts of my career: personal development through goal achievement in community wellness. I’ll know I am successful if the business increases personal and community health and inspires others to become coaches.

What was the last great book that you have read? I read all the time but I just read All the Flowers in Paris by Sarah Jio. It is heartbreaking tale of the Nazi takeover of Paris and so thought provoking.

Kathleen Roche